Galveston-Port Bolivar Ferry

Mosaic Mural

Initial Concepts


This mosaic would be really vibrant if we make it out of smalti or vitreous glass, which come in a zillion colors.

Tide Pool

My apologies for the crummy drawing. The subject is shells and critters that you might find in a tide pool on the beach. I would fabricate this in stained glass, shell, stone, and handmade porcelain inclusions. I would make the mural more colorful than this vase, but the vase may give you a better idea of the tide pool concept.

Ferry Boat

c. L. Barberini

This image is inspired by this great postcard of the “Galvez.” I would fabricate it in unglazed porcelain for an antique look. If we did a boat with people, I would have a lot of fun with poses.